Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Pain can do

Some experiences bring pain.

Pain brings many things. It can bring more pain, infection, scars, even death.

But even if it brings scars, it can bring healing, new, life.

The difference in how it affects us is how we take the pain, what we do with it. Do we use it as a shield, and excuse, a hiding place to keep our self away from others?

Do we use it as a weapon to drive others away, to beat down the thing or person we feel caused the pain?

Do we use it as a door to take us into another place, on another leg of our journey, to learn new experiences? To open our self to hope and truth and life?

What and how we choose affects not only us, but those around us.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

What kind of parent...

Checks on
Checks in
Checks out



Speaks to
Speaks out
Speaks of

Gives things
Gives thought

Gives regret
Gives anger

Gives hugs
Gives peace
Gives love

Am I...?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Insufficient gratitude

As we approach Good Friday, humility overwhelms when I think about the awful torture, pain, suffering and death that Jesus took upon Himself, willingly, that we, I might have the opportunity to share in a banquet with Him, the Father and Holy Spirit.

We know that this doesn't end on Friday.

Sunday waits just beyond, with the promise and hope of a future - an eternal future - so bright and full of joy, we cannot imagine! So it is with insufficient gratitude that I offer a quiet prayer of thanksgiving, knowing that He hears me, and knows me, and still loves me in spite of who I am, or what I have done or will do...