Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Staying Out of the Way

In a recent conversation, I made a comment that I tend to stay out of the way rather than engage in conversation, or wander into someone else's space.  As I pondered that thought, I realized that has been my way all of my life.  In my family growing up, in my friendships, in most of my relationships of any kind I have let others have the floor and I wait for a pause, or a request for help, and then I enter. 

I suppose I have been comfortable with this way.  On the occasion where I have tried to take the floor, thinking perhaps I do want attention (because I think we all do), my words didn't make it very far before they were spoken over or misconstrued.  So I go back to the safety of my corner where thought meets silence and fear and passivity get along just fine.

Then I read about how we are supposed to be salt and light and I wonder how?  Who me?  Intrude upon someone else's way of thinking?  Speak to something - of something, Someone greater than any of this?  I look at the girls that I am caring for, and they have little fear in inviting friends to youth group or church activities, or talking about what they believe.  It is not my work, but the Holy Spirit's work in them, helping them in this battle we call Life.  And I am greatful that they know a better way. 

So in my out-of-the-way place, I watch the work of the One who is The Way, The Truth, The Light.  His questions to me is:  "Will you join Me in this work?"  How will I answer. . .